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A common sight around Meridia, humans are characterized by erect posture, bipedal locomotion, and high manual dexterity.


The half-snake, half-human Naga are at once terrible to behold, and seductively appealing.  Know for their speed and sharp tongues, the Naga are among the most cunning of species, and are masters of deception.


Tall, lithe, graceful, delicate.  Elves are among the fairest of species, and are considered to be incredibly intelligent.  With long lifespans and excellent form, elves excel in almost everything they attempt.


Strong and robust, orcs are known for their savagery and strength at arms.  But not all of them are dumb brutes who smash, for many are prized craftsmen, builders and leaders.  And while a rabbit is a poor comparison to an orc, they do have a shared affinity for reproduction.


Diminutive and sneaky, goblins are known to appear in numbers rather than alone.  Crafty, ingenious, and with an affinity for magic, goblins aren't what you'd like to meet on the road.

Dwipantaran Trolls

With a height of approximately 3 meters, the Dwipantaran Troll is one of the tallest sentient species of Meridia.  Slender and with blue, striped skin, the Trolls also boast strong bone structure, and are incredibly durable.  Further, they have the ability to shift their skin colour, allowing them to camouflage with their surroundings.


Human in form, the Aventi are anything but.  After the great cataclysm that saw their race drowned, they have adapted rather than perish.  With skin as pale as the moon, eyes like ice, and fair hair, the Aventi are a beautiful people.  Possessed of small fins on their upper arm and thigh, they are expert swimmers; while their lungs, still able to breath the air, can also process the oxygen in water.  Lastly, the Aventi have a natural affinity with the elements, and despite having lost the majority of their magical gifts, are still known to be able to alter the breeze to speed their ships.


Humanoid in shape, but standing approximately 7 feet tall and possessed of extreme strength.  The Darfallen have the complexion of a killer whale, and can hold their breath for between 30 to 60 minutes.  Former slaves to the Aventi, they are naturally distrustful of them.  The average lifespan of the Darfallen is between 40 and 80 years.

Sea Elves

Pointy eared and able to channel aquatic magics, the Sea Elves share many qualities with their land dwelling relatives.  The sea elves have blue skin and webbed hands and feet.  They do not breath air, but can stay on land for several hours, usually suffocating at the 8 hour mark.  Skilled artisans, the Sea Elves have a lifespan of between two to four hundred and fifty years.


Originating from Noreia towards the end of the Shadow's existence, Marhumans share similar features with other aquatic races: Piercing black orbs of eyes, sets of fins along their head, arms, and legs; a preference for humid environments, and patches of scales are the defining characteristics of these meta-humans, giving them an otherwise piscean appearance compared to sea elves. Yet, as suggested by their varying hues of brown skin, a near-human bone structure, and their sets of ten webbed fingers and ten corresponding toes, Marhumans are undeniably related to baseline humans, having been subject to enslavement and "augmentation" by the Shadow for the purpose of underwater coastal mining. Marhumans are capable of living both on land and at sea, though the risk of death from dehydration is on the order of several magnitudes greater in arid environments. Consequently, Marhumans thrive best in chilly coastal and oceanic environments.

Skopr Scorpions

Roughly the size of a large dog, the sentient scorpions of the Alerian volcano ranges are well known for their command of magics.  Their appearance is known to cause dread in all who see them.

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