Alakhai is a diverse land, dominated by towering mountain chains, immense grassland, hazy savanna and sweltering jungle. Meridia's Throne, part of the mountain range that surrounds the Maw with sheer cliffs, is home to the tallest mountains in the world.
Known for its diversity, Alakhai was a hub of activity during the Shadow, and many ancient ruins can be found high up in the cliffs and deep in the Golden Wood. Some legends say that it was on Meridia's Throne that the moon was released from its curse and allowed to reveal the sun.
Dominated by ancient nations such as the Yan and Akamyir, Alakhai is a land of myth and tradition. While the inhabitants of the land have been content to go about their business every since the lifting of the Shadow, they are about to face the chaos of change, as western peoples begin to covet the ancient continent.